"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt~

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Dear Abbyroo

Oh sweet little girl, you have a way to melt my heart like no one else. I took you to daycare the other day and I said “bye” and gave you a big hug and kiss as I left. You puckered up your little lips and I asked if you were ok. You said, “noooo”, I said, “what’s the matter baby girl”, you reached your little arms out and hugged my leg and said “I want my mommy”. Oh how it was hard to go to work that day! I just wanted to take you in my arms and head back to the house.

You have started putting words together really well. Your daddy and I were in your brother’s room putting up curtains and you went to your kitchen and go all your plates, bowls and silver wear and set them in a row with a spoon or fork in each setting, you came up to your daddy and me and said, “come on, let’s eat”. You also say, “I want cookie”, I want bobby”, “I love you”, Where’d it go?”, and many others that don’t come to mind at this moment. It is amazing communicating with you, and your comprehension is a lot better than you getting your thoughts across to us.

You love to wear hair bows and play dress up. You have so many hair bows and a lot of them are hanging on your wall on your hair bow holder. You pick out one and insist I put it in your hair. After I put it on you, you pat your little chest and say, “I pretty”. You love to look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself kisses, and play with your necklaces and bracelets. You also love to wear mommy’s shoes. One of the first things that I do when I get home from work is take off my shoes; I rarely ever wear them in the house. You will get them and try your best to walk around with them on your feet. You do your best with my tennis shoes, your daddy will tie them on you and you just walk so slow and careful. You try to wear my flip flops, but don’t do as well with them. You’re so funny, because you love to wear your socks and shoes in the house. We will be sitting on the couch together and I will ask you if you want me to take them off and you want them back on within 2 minutes. After we get you dressed in the morning you immediately start asking for your socks. I’m not sure what you will do when it stays warm outside and we try and put sandals on you. You’re wearing a lot of short sleeve shirts lately and you try and pull the sleeves down, I think you’re wondering where the sleeve went.

I need to take you to get a haircut and a new pair of tennis shoes this weekend. I want to get your foot measured so they fit you well; we will probably go to the stride rite store and then off to cookie cutters to get your sweet little hair cut. Your hair has grown so much, which it has been about 4 months since we took you for your 1st hair cut. I just don’t want them to cut out your sweet little curls, but it is still growing so much longer in the back than the front. You loved getting your hair cut last time and I hope that you love it just as much this time too.

You have started to get pickier with your food, but you are still such a good eater. You sure love pizza just like your mama. Your other favorite foods are yogurt (any kind), grilled cheese, really any kind of cheese, hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, fish sticks, chicken nuggets, grapes, and bananas. Your no fail food is grilled cheese. If we have something for dinner that you don’t like that is what I fix you and you gobble it right up.

You still like to read more than ever. Right now your favorite book is, Mr. Brown can moo can you? You love to make the noises in the book and you make the cutest little face when you get to the “pop pop pop” page.

You are such a delightful little girl. You seem to enjoy just about everything that you do to the fullest. You laugh hard, smile big, hug tight, and give wet little kisses. Everything about you is just so wonderful. You make me a happier, more joyful person just being around you. I just want to take that feeling you make me feel and bottle it up and hold it close to my heart forever. Your growing up to fast little girl! I’m not sure how much longer you will let me call you Abbyroo. I have a feeling that you’re going to do a lot more growing before your baby brother gets here. You will be a great big sister. You go in his room and just look around right now; I hope that when he comes you feel just as much love and attention as you do now. I never want you to have any less than everything we have to give you. I love you Abbyroo!


You’re Mommy