"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go Joe!

Abigail is getting into everything these days. We use to be able to put her on the rug and she would play there for 20 minutes, now we sit her down she is all over the place. She is doing some fancy belly Gi Joe army crawl and able to go backwards a lot easier than forwards. She will sit there and rock back and forth until she gets s the courage to make a go for it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sick Day

Today the daycare called me about 10:30 AM and told me that Abigail had a temp of 101, vomiting and had diarrhea. Jason went to pick her up and brought her home, and I met them at the house so that Jason could go back to work. I fed her normal bottles today and she held all her food and her temp was gone pretty quickly. I told her that she was faking so that she could spend the afternoon with her mama. We rented the movie, Did you hear about the Morgan’s from the red box. Abby enjoyed it just as much as she would have a cartoon or child’s movie. We played all afternoon and she was just as smiley as ever. I think she is learning how to play sick so she can spend more time with her mama. hehe

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zhu Zhu

Abigail loves her Zhu Zhu pet. We were talking about these at work last week and I wanted to find one that wasn’t the actual color of a hamster. Something about one that looked like an actual hamster was a little creepy to me. Ms. Angie from work got this for her. She got it for her as an Easter gift, but we had to go ahead and give it to her. Jason opened it out of the pushed it’s back and off it went. We sat her on the kitchen floor and she just watched it go around and around. When it would come towards her she would laugh. Every once in a while she would pick it up and of course it went towards her mouth. I would push its nose and she would giggle at the noises. Zhu Zhu pet was a success! Package said ages 3 and up, however Abby loves it! Of course she will only get to play with it under adult supervision though.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Abby's new ride

We were testing out Abigail’s new car seat today. We haven’t put it in the car yet, but we tried it out in the living room. I think that she liked it and that it will of course give her a lot more room. The car seat we currently have only goes to 22 lbs, and I’m pretty sure she is about 20 lbs. Even if she wasn’t at the weight requirements she has met the height requirements and I can hardly get her in and out of the car. I have said it a couple of weeks now that I was going to put it in the car, however I think keeping her in the infant carrier makes me feel like she is still such a little girl. She is growing up way to fast! Hopefully I will be able to post picture soon of her in this car seat in the actual car.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Accidents happen :-(

Abigail had her first incident report written up about her at daycare. She had a little kiss from the book shelf. She is starting to crawl and doesn’t always realize that she has to put her hands out in front of her when she wants to get somewhere. The teacher in her class said that she felt over and hit her little head on the book shelf, she kinda paused, and turned her head and looked at the teacher and was probably thinking, “did you see what that book shelf did to me?” the teacher came over and asked her if she was ok and she started crying. The teacher said she gave her a hug, put a cool rag on her head and she was fine in a matter of a couple minutes. Precious little girl, I know this is only the beginning of what is to come with accidents and I know that mommy can’t be there for all of them. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Abigail had such a wonderful St. Patty’s day! I first off was so happy that she wore her green outfit all day long. She often has to have a change of clothes half way though the day. The daycare had a St. Patty’s party and all the babies wore green that day. I was happy that none of Abby’s boyfriends pinched her – I know that it won’t be to long that they are going to try. She is such a sweetheart!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

um no

Uh… I don’t think I want to wear this hairbow anymore mommy

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ducky Time!

Abby loves bath time! We have been given her more baths lately so she stays up a little later. She is usually ready to go to bed at 7:00, so I am trying to give her baths at 7:00 to push her bedtime a little later.
She loves her new ducky blow up bathtub! If you push the beak it quacks and she will laugh. She has so many bathtub toys but her favorite are 2 cups that came with her bathtub. She has learned to put water in them and turn the cup over. She has so much fun in the tub!

almost germ free!

I think the Spencer household is almost germ free! Abby is feeling so much better. She was able to hold her normal formula for the 1st time in over a week this morning. She also had her normal breakfast and held it. I couldn’t be happier. It is so pitiful when she is sick. She truly doesn’t complain but her little eyes let me know she isn’t feeling well. So we are hoping to stay away from the pediatrician’s office until her 9 month appointment in April. Thank you everyone for your prayers!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Feeling much better!

I’m so glad this little girl is feeling so much better! This picture was taken on Tuesday...she was so pitiful while she was sick, as you can see above, however she never stopped smiling and she didn't complain. We still have 6 days of antibiotic left, but she is definitely feeling so much better!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chest x-ray

What a day what a day. Ear infection, stomach virus, congestion & coughing makes for an unhappy baby. Abby doesn’t complain though, but mommy knows she doesn’t feel good. Abby is on day 6 of not feeling well, I called yesterday and asked for an appointment and we took her in this morning. The doctor checked her all over and decided to send her for a chest x-ray since she had a lot of crackling in her chest; they wanted to ensure that she didn’t have phenomena. Chest x-rays on a 7 month old baby = no fun! Abigail was such a trooper though. They took 3 separate pictures. I had to wear a shield that weighed quite a big and hold her in place. She was such a trooper though. At one point she was laying on her side and I had to hold both her arms above her head. She looked right at me and yelled “daddy”. The x-ray tech and I both thought it was funny. They told her that she took excellent pictures, which I already knew that. I asked the doctor if I waited too long to bring her in and they said I didn’t, but next time I am just going to take her right away. I would rather pay a 20$ co-pay than wonder. The doctor said that she could see in her chart where I had called 4 times in the past few days. So after we went to the doctor’s I knew it would be a little while before her prescription so we ran to Wal-Mart and bought her an Elmo Live Encore. We play with it about every time that we go to Wal-Mart, we pinch his nose and he makes the truck honk noise. She always giggles smiles and reaches for him. I thought after the morning she had, she really needed Elmo. We picked up her prescription and paid a little extra to have it banana flavored. Abby gobbled up her ½ teaspoon and thought it was the best thing in the world. When we got home, we drank more pedilyte and played with her Elmo some. She thought he was so funny, she just watched him sing, dance and tell jokes. She is asleep now, and has been sleeping for about 2 hours. Extra cuddles and kisses hopefully will speed up the recovery process!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Abby being sick has been rough stuff. I stayed home from woke Thursday and Friday, 1/2 day Monday, left early Tuesday and taking tomorrow off work. I got a new supervisor on Thursday and she is going to think that I am a slacker! Abby is still under the weather, this is rough stuff! She was feeling really bad on Thursday and Friday, did well on Saturday and then started feeling bad again on Saturday evening, and been sick ever since. I Have called the pediatrician 4 times since Thursday, I’m sure that they are tired of me! I went ahead and asked for an appointment when I called them today! I would much rather pay a $20 copay and them tell me she is fine and there is nothing else we can do, than worry about her. I love my days at home with her. We have extra cuddles and kisses. She is liable to get spoiled these past few days and we have another full day together tomorrow. She is such a sweet girl, she doesn’t complain. She is still as talkative as ever and full of smiles.

Yesterday we were sitting in the floor playing. Her diet the past few days have been soy milk, cheerios and pedilyte. It is funny because when I feed her right before I give her a bite, I say “bite bite”. Yesterday while we were in the floor I put some cheerios down there for her. She picked up one and held her arm out and said bite bite. She is such a smart little girl. I love to hear her little voice. She will also try to put her pacci in my mouth. I always tell her no thank you and then she will try again later. I guess she assumes that since she likes everything to go to her mouth, mommy would too!

Between the snows this winter and time off for Abby being sick, this is not good for my waist line! I bet I have gained 2-3 lbs. I am going to go hard at it and try to lose my weight when she starts feeling better. I had started the couch to 5k running plan, and doing ok with it I have come to the conclusion that I am not a runner though. I think doing something new is fun at the gym, but I don’t see how I can ever love running! Tomorrow if Abby sleeps a lot, after I finish the work I brought home with me, I really need to put the music back on my iPod. Several several months ago I somehow managed to delete all the music on it and have not put it back on there yet. I wish it would just magically appear back on there, but I have had no such luck yet!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Swaddling Abby

Well tonight is the 1st night since Abby was a newborn that we haven’t swaddled her! I can’t believe how big she has gotten and how fast she is growing. We ordered her next size car seat on Thursday and expecting them any day. I look forward to her new car seat, but I sure will miss her in her infant carrier. It is just getting to heavy with her in it! She is such a big girl, becoming so independent and developing her own little sweet personality. I can't wait to see how she does tonight!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Still Surviving...

Still surviving… I thought Abigail was all better; however she has started this stomach bug all over again! Jason and I are assuming that we had different strands of the bug and she got both of them. She has now developed a nasty cough. We put her to bed last night at her normal 7:30 and she woke up coughing at 8:00 and again at 9:00. She did sleep through the night and woke up at 6:00 AM coughing again. She sounds pitiful. She still doesn’t hold her food very well and we are giving her pedilyte to help her tummy some. She is eating some rice cereal, applesauce, and Cheerios. She is taking some bottles too, but not holding them as well. We are hoping that she is better by tomorrow. She doesn’t complain though, she is very cheerful, but we know she isn’t feeling well. I know that Jason and I both aren’t shy of complaining how we feel to each other! So I have been at home with her since Thursday, we haven’t gotten out much, but I know that she is going to want to stroll around the neighborhood and enjoy this springtime weather. Being at home Abby and I have had some time to make her some new bows, a new rainbow tutu, and some cute flower bloomers. She is such a good helper. I wish there was something we could do for her to help her feel better sooner. However, we have her mattress elevated, vaporizer running, saline drops in the nose, booger sucker used every diaper change, and extra hugs and kisses, should help her along just fine. I sure did miss my home church this morning. We missed last week going to the church that Jason grew up in. My week just isn’t complete without my Durbin family. Watching TV on church just isn’t the same. We watched southland this morning, and then the last 30 minutes of Immanuel Baptist church, which I really enjoyed. Kirk Cameron was guest speaking at their church since it was the day after the love worth fighting for tour. If you haven’t seen the movie fireproof you definitely need to watch it!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Loving to Read

Abigail loves to read, just one more thing that she got from her Daddy. I enjoy reading, there are just a lot of other things I would rather do. She has 2-3 of those soft books that she is able to flip the pages and look though. Today we were in her bedroom playing on her floor and she had her Dora book, she flipped through each page and talked to it. It was as if she was reading the book out loud, she was saying something interesting to Dora. Jabbering away. She called Dora, Mama and daddy a couple of times, hehe.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Surviving the Stomach Bug!

So we have survived Abby’s first stomach bug. I am still hoping that she gave it to me, instead of the other way around. I woke up at 4:20 AM with this bug that we had. I didn’t hold Abigail at all until the daycare called and told me she was sick. Jason went and picked her up, and then we snuggled all afternoon! We gave her 2 oz of pedilyte every 30 minutes, and she couldn’t hold it down, and we ended the day with a bottle of ½ strength formula, so her tummy could rest.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

dadadadada maaaaa

I called the daycare today just like every day at noon and check on Abigail. They told me that she was doing wonderful and that she was sitting in the floor playing and talking to her pictures. She has a child’s photo book that holds 6 pictures in it and has a teether on the end of it that she loves, and needless to say it is waterproof. They said that she just loves to play with it while sitting in the floor. They said that she will flip open to a picture and go “dadadadada maaaa dadadadada maaaaa”. I think this is just so sweet, we are working on her calling me mommy though, but I am happy with maaaaaaa right now. Jason actually told me while he was getting her ready yesterday morning that she would say moooom a few times, she must have wanted her mommy. They told me that earlier in the day that they were playing some toddler tunes and her and Cheyenne were dancing and having the best time. I hope that she gets her a long nap in tough! I love for her to get a lot of sleep there so she is ready to play when she gets home in the evenings. We still can’t seem to get her out of her evening nap. We feed her dinner at 5:00 and it never fails, she always goes to sleep after that for at least 30 minutes or so. I can’t wait to pick up my little Abby roo roo today, to see her hold those little hands out for her maaaaaaa.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Wishing I was on vacation...

I am sitting here thinking how I would rather be on a vacation; I am in much need of one! We usually go on vacation in September; however we didn’t go this past year since we had just had Abigail on July 29. However, last year this time Jason and I went on what we referred to as our “baby moon”, kind of our final hara before Abigail came.
It was such a wonderful week and a half away from everything! We drove to Florida [we took 2 days and spent the night in Georgia]. It was kind of amazing because oh our way down to Florida I felt Abigail move for the first time. Well actually move…more than a “flutter”; I knew that it was her. We had stopped at Taco Bell for lunch and as we were sitting at the red light, I just felt her. It was so amazing, I just put my hand on my belly and just thought about her and that she would be here soon. The time on vacation was just perfect. We spent a few days in Florida at a hotel on the beach, and then boarded a week long cruise to Cozumel and then the Cayman Islands. The cruise was a blast! I honestly got tired of people asking me if I wanted an alcoholic beverage, because I obviously looked pregnant!
We had the most wonderful waiter at dinner and a wonderful cabin person that watched over us and made animals out of our towels. We had a window in our room, and we were in the bottom of the ship, so you could every once in a while see the water come up above the window splashing. While we were in the Cayman Islands we got to go a sea turtle farm, a rum cake factory place, & see some dolphins. While we were in Mexico we did a tour of the Mayan ruins.