"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday Morning

During the work week we always have to wake Abigail up at 7:00. She sometimes starts talking about 6:45 to her friends [aka parrot, polar bear, and lion on her mobile] however she will just lay there until one of us comes to get her. The past couple of weeks though she has woken up at 5:30 on Saturday morning. When she wakes up she just starts talking…dadadadadadadadada. I leaned over to Jason this morning and told him that his baby girl was calling for him. He of course offered to get up, but I enjoy the mornings too much to let him have her. Saturday mornings are his change to sleep in and rest. Abby and I got up and ate her bottle; she sat in the floor and played with her most favorite doll buttercup. She is happy as long as she is within arm’s reach. We cuddled, and played with her rattle. Now she is napping on her boppy pillow right beside me. She is such a sweet little girl, cuddling with her buttercup. I look forward to my weekends with her so much, but they just fly by. Looks like today we will stay indoors due to the weather – staying warm in our PJ’s.

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