"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt~

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

dadadadada maaaaa

I called the daycare today just like every day at noon and check on Abigail. They told me that she was doing wonderful and that she was sitting in the floor playing and talking to her pictures. She has a child’s photo book that holds 6 pictures in it and has a teether on the end of it that she loves, and needless to say it is waterproof. They said that she just loves to play with it while sitting in the floor. They said that she will flip open to a picture and go “dadadadada maaaa dadadadada maaaaa”. I think this is just so sweet, we are working on her calling me mommy though, but I am happy with maaaaaaa right now. Jason actually told me while he was getting her ready yesterday morning that she would say moooom a few times, she must have wanted her mommy. They told me that earlier in the day that they were playing some toddler tunes and her and Cheyenne were dancing and having the best time. I hope that she gets her a long nap in tough! I love for her to get a lot of sleep there so she is ready to play when she gets home in the evenings. We still can’t seem to get her out of her evening nap. We feed her dinner at 5:00 and it never fails, she always goes to sleep after that for at least 30 minutes or so. I can’t wait to pick up my little Abby roo roo today, to see her hold those little hands out for her maaaaaaa.

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